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OyeLoca Presents - Ginyer Alvarez


Baneado :(
25 Nov 2010

Description: Back in Colombia. The good Primo takes us to another of his many spots for picking up the ladies. This time he brings us to this park where he swears the ladies like to chill at. We hung out for awhile and I was about to give up when a nice curvy Loca walked by eyeballing us. We aint never scared so we stared back and she came over to greet us. Her name was Ginyer and she had a little waist with some plump tits and a booty like no other. We talked for a bit and she invited us back to her place so we could get to know each other a bit better. That girl code for I want some dick. You want to give it to me? and we did so we went. The Latinas dont waste time. As soon as we hit the door Primo had the foreplay going and Ginyer dropped down quick and started the mouth love. Oh how we love girls that know how to suck a dick. Its a priceless talent that all women should learn. I guess that park was good luck. We picked up a sexy young babe and she popped that pussy like an Uncle Luke video!
Type: Movie Clip
Content: Cumshot, Hardcore, Latina, Latino, Oral, Straight
File Type: Wmv
Size: 453 MB

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http://www.filesonic.com/file/683095584/OyeLoca Presents - Ginyer Alvarez_SeaPorn.org.part2.rar
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http://www.fileserve.com/file/HymbJdW/OyeLoca Presents - Ginyer Alvarez_SeaPorn.org.part1.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/txkcKEV/OyeLoca Presents - Ginyer Alvarez_SeaPorn.org.part2.rar
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